5 Minutes With Sharyn Casey.

5 Minutes With Sharyn Casey.

Posted by Nikki Clarke on

One of our absolute favorites - Kiwi radio and television star Sharyn Casey announced she was pregnant earlier this year. We sat down with 'The Edge' radio host to chat all things pregnancy - from crazy cravings to advice overload!

When you’re pregnant or a mom, everyone is full of advice! What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received during your pregnancy journey and who gave it to you?

My mom told me that everyone will tell me what I 'HAVE TO DO' and to just smile, nod my head and pick the bits I like - though sometimes it can be hard to smile when you tell people what you're planning to do and they tell you you're 100% wrong and contradicting other people's advice!

Speaking of advice, are there any books, blogs or websites that you recommend other expecting mums check out?

I'm reading Jaquie Brown's book 'I'm not fat, I'm pregnant.'I love Jaquie and the way she writes about the whole journey is in such a relatable way and not scary to read like some books are! I also use the pregnancy app 'The Bump' which has been quite helpful, but most of those apps are pretty much the same, I just thought 'The Bump' was the prettiest to look at, haha!

Will you miss being pregnant come January when your babe arrives?

I'm not ungrateful to be pregnant but because I've had three miscarriages in the past, being pregnant is quite scary for me...so I don't know if I'll miss being pregnant purely because it means he's arrived in one piece!

You’re a fitspo Queen! Have you been able to keep active during your pregnancy and if so, how?

I don't know if I'm a 'fitspo Queen!' But at the start of my pregnancy, I did two personal training sessions a week with 'Coach Rhys' and a lot of walking. He knows exactly what I should and shouldn't be doing and watches my form to make sure I'm not going to injure myself when my joints are a lot softer. Since 21 weeks I haven't been allowed to exercise and can only do a 2-3km walk now, so I try to do that five times a week. 

Have you had any crazy cravings?

I've been really into adding cucumber to wraps. I must have eggs every day, my friend Kath got me some marshmellow chocolate bars which blew my mind, and another friend, Nikki, stocked me up with soda for the occasional treat. But I have been careful to stay away from the sugary treats so they're only for when I've been very good! 

What’s been your go-to recipe during pregnancy?

My husband (Bryce Casey - 'The Rock' radio host) is the chef of our house and I don't think he'll ever want to see wraps again, but most nights we have wraps with tomato, cucumber, gherkin, egg, cheese and some form of meat. He's gotten quite creative with them to keep them interesting, I think more for himself than for me though! 

As a radio host, you know your music! Have you been playing any to the bub?

I'm constantly playing music! Bryce keeps telling me off for playing him too much pop because then he'll only listen to,'The Edge' (the station I work for) rather than, 'The Rock' (the station he works for). The first time I ever felt him kick was to a Spice Girls album track which was very exciting and I was instantly impressed that he appreciated an album track rather than a single from the greatest girl group of all time. 

What are you most looking forward to about being a mom?

I can't wait to have a wee mate that's the combo of Bryce and I to complete our wee team, to teach him to accept everyone how they are whether it's race, sexuality, religion - anything. To see what he becomes and his personality...it's kinda hard to put into words what I'm looking most forward to because it's all of it, really! 

Where is one place in the world that you can’t wait to visit as a family?

We can't wait to take him to Hawaii because it's our favorite place to holiday together. It'll be a different, much more sober version of the Hawaii trips we've been on in the past, but I can't wait to take him there! 

Written by Nikki Clarke. 

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